Noble Otter shaving soap Rawr 118ml
Noble Otter shaving soap Rawr 118ml
Every day when I come home from work, my two oldest boys hide to try to scare me with a "RAWR". It has become our little tradition. I always see them hiding under the table or between the door and a wall. But I pretend I don't see them and let them think they really scared me! When I wanted to make something for them, I thought of all these little moments. I thought of all the things they love. Dinosaurs, oranges, picking dandelions for mom, playing in the park. All the things that bring a smile to their faces. RAWR is for all the dads out there. All the dads who get up every day and do their best to be the best dad for our little ones.
"Being a great father is like shaving. No matter how well you shaved today, you have to do it again tomorrow." – Reed Markham
Bergamot, Sweet Orange, Neroli, Dandelions, Atlas Cedarwood, Vanilla, Musk